Signup For Parking

Monthly Parking Center

Parking Location: 284 - Birdcage Garage

Sign Up for Monthly Parking

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  • Vehicle Information

  • Terms and Conditions

    Monthly Parking Agreement

    1.Rent is due in advance of the first day of the month. This company reserves the right to terminate the parking privileges, without notice, of any customer who is delinquent in their account.

    2.Customer is liable for rent for the parking space until written notice of termination is received by American Parking one calendar month prior to cancellation of service (either via email to customer service or delivered to our main office) and until parking permit or access card is returned. No refunds, credits or allowances will be granted for absence, vacation, non-use of the facility, or failure to notify company of termination of parking agreement. Parking is sold on a full calendar month’s basis only.

    3.Customer will pay for use of a parking permit or access card. If the card is lost, customer agrees to pay a replacement fee. It is the customer’s responsibility to return the parking permit or access card immediately after termination of this agreement. If the permit is returned by the 5th of the month, and the parking permit or access card is in reusable condition, American Parking will purchase back from the customer the parking permit or access card. Some processing fees may apply to hangtag and access card return, depending on location. If the permit or card is returned after the 5th of the month, no repurchase will be made. Tulsa Parking Authority SmartPass passes are non-refundable. Please see your local office for details.

    4.American Parking does not assume responsibility for loss, damage or destruction of customers’ personal property, including customer’s vehicle. customer specifically agrees to release, indemnify, and hold American Parking, Incorporated harmless from and against any and all claims, demands, and/or causes of action of any and every nature related to or arising from any accident, casualty or event involving customers property which may occur in, on or about the parking properties unless such claims shall be based on intentional, negligent or malicious acts by American Parking or its employees.

    5.Customer understands that parking permit must be displayed at all times, with all numbers and colors of the permit clearly visible. Failure to properly display permit and/or obey all posted signs may result in a citation.

    6. Patrons are required to observe and honor all location rules and regulations that made be applied on a location to location basis. Please ask the location manager for these rules and regulations for further details.

    7.There will be a $25 charge for returned checks or insufficient funds.

    8.Rental rates may be changed by the company upon 30 days notice to customer.

    9.Any customer not abiding by the conditions of this contract may be terminated at any time.

    10.Company does not provide security guards or service on any facility. Customers are advised to exercise discretion.

    If you have any questions, please contact us at
  • By agreeing to these terms and conditions, I hereby authorize American Auto Parks to debit my bank account for monthly parking rent in accordance to the agreement above. *